I’m still considering whether to upgrade to the full version, but the Lite version is just fine. It accomplishes a large part of the basic functionality I was looking for, which is to have a standalone Gmail client without firing up a distracting full browser. Even the full version is clearly not as full-featured as MailPilot, but who can afford that $25 one anyway? I’d rather get the core function for a lot less money.
Things that I’m happy to see work: paste for images, all built-in Gmail keyboard shortcuts. Thing I’m not happy to see: Cmd-F doesn’t let you find text on a page, the way that a browser-based Gmail would. I still have no idea what “Keyboard shortcuts” means in the Pro version, and nobody from support has told me despite several attempts to reach them.
SilverSideDown about Kiwi for Gmail Lite, v1.9.8